Tuesday 2 February 2010

Carping 30/01/2010

Well our first fishing trip for what seams like ever!
We fished our local water Celtic lake for a 24 hr session that ended up shorter due to the weather.
Dan had 14 carp to 13lb something and I had one little one but it was cold -5 and the lake froze over about 1am but it was a good start for 2010 Dan using his bait the heat, just goes to show how good it is, Cant wait until April when we fish in France for a week.

Sunday 27 December 2009

Dam Weather

Well these christmas holidays are going to be long have been unable to get out fishing for the last 3 weeks everything frozen, has any body been able to get out??

Saturday 5 December 2009


Hello fellow bloggers...
first time fishing for 3 weeks because I have been getting the packaging ready and making two of our new baits The Matrix and The Heat which I am sure you will be hearing a lot about later this winter.Although i managed to do a 12hrs session after school with my dad we were armed with the good old le crunch and the beast feast we fished lake 5 of the Celtic lakes complex due to the fact that there we continuous cars and tractors passing lake 6.so we settled in lake 5 I had a small simo of around 4lb and then the old man had a lovely 15lb 3oz linear.then the weather changed high winds and a mixture of rain,hail and sleet but what made it rather uncomfortable was that the wind was that we were fishing into the wind so we had no choice but to pull down the front doors of our bivvys. we stuck with it and dad managed another 8 fish ranging from 6lb 4oz to 13lb 5oz mirrors and commons,and me in the other swim only managed another 1 :( but the beast feast was the most prolific but le crunch had produced the biggest.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Last Leg

Well at last Dans on his last leg, All Pictures done packaging done bait made and proven. looks like after Christmas the web should be live as well and then full steam ahead.lets hope 2010 is a good year for all.
and remember keep your eyes on www.celticbait.com.

Thanks to everybody that has supported Dan this year.

Saturday 21 November 2009

Photo shoot

Well today another busy one doing a photo shoot of the baits, for the web page, baits that have been in water for 24 hrs 12 hrs and fresh. More money!! But it will be worth it in the end with Dan following his dream!!

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Bait Up date

Well Dan has now got 4
Tested and proven baits that catch fish.
So he is getting ready to launch his web page.


Sunday 15 November 2009

A wet nights fishing 14/11/09

Well what a crap nights fishing!
Cold wet and windy, but if you wanted a sex show it was fine,
As Richard the bailiff will tell you, he did not want to go!!
There was a party of 4 in one of the lodges using the hot tub leaving nothing to the imagination and i mean nothing.
I have been informed all the lodges are booked until after Christmas so if you are going to fish Celtic lake resort stay clear of the lodges as the lights and noise are not good. But if you want a show i suppose it’s the place to go.but all the fish appear to be at the car park end.

Monday 9 November 2009

Making Bait

Well Dans got lots to do tonight, make enough bait for the rest of the year! or so he thinks.
Tonight he will be making Celtic Crunchy Nut.

We have one problem can anyone help? We need a big propane gas burning ring or 2!! for boiling the baits.