Monday 9 September 2013


A day at cudmore fisheries on avoca lake.  I had four carp out from around 6lb to to just under 14lb. The first fish I had on my halo rig using a celtic ss boilie and half of pop up and the other three where on 14mm ss boilie on a knotless knot rig with a hand full of ss boilies over the top. 

Monday 12 August 2013


A day on the dam pool at Baden Hall Fisherys I picked a swim that looked good had 2 early carp and lost 1.  A strong wind blowing into the other end of the pool started and the bites dried up and the swims down that end of the lake were taken. With 2 hours fishing left the swims at the other end of the pool came available so me and my mate moved to the far end off the pool and managed 3 more carp.  All the carp were between 4lb and 8lb and had on my halo rig made up with braid kd style on a curved shanked hook with a 14mm celticbait ss boilie and half off pop up with about a cm gap its like a pop up and bottom bait in one.

Sunday 28 July 2013

A nice little Dinton Mirror

I did 2 night on my pool it was hard the 8 hours of rain we had on the second night made it even harder but I did this nice looking carp at 11.2lb on a celticbait 14mm ss boilie over an scattering of ss boilies. I also had an hour on a float and 2 half pound perch using celticbait pellet and corn.

Sunday 21 July 2013

The New Challenge

Its been a long while since I have had any time to do a write up or go fishing. As I have been studying for my A levels and designing and copy writing the juggernaut barrow.

I dropped of Black Swan as the ticket was just too expensive for me this year. now the A levels are all out the way I can get back on the bank and attempt to catch some large carp.
I've been fishing a new water for two weeks, which I was told about by a few local anglers,
after doing a few laps of the lake I felt it would be my best bet at a price I can afford. I began to learn it was a fairly quiet water and around the 20 acres mark and fairly overgrown it felt like a ideal place to find some large carp.

The first 48hrs I done on the lake I had a gentle south-Westerly wind and after doing a few
laps I could see the fish were pretty much all around the lake, but I saw a shoal of around six fish ranging from lower double to high twenties so I edged my bets and set up in in front of them but had made a vital mistake not bringing any waders so it was a case of rolling up the trousers and walking out as the over hanging trees made it hard work to cast accurate let alone have any distance. When I first spotted the shoal of fish it was at the rough range of 30yrds so I fished two rods on singles as I didn’t want to plum about and spook any fish. When I cast out the rods I had felt two solid drops off a bar which I could see from climbing a tree, and fish were cruising near by so I felt confident. I fish slack lines and no back leads as the zebra mussels would be a cause for concern if the line was to rub on them. The third rod I felt I’d do something different so I was fishing a small 10mm Celtic bait pop up and use and solid bag and cast at range to open water. I was all set up and the fish began to show a little less as the light dropped, during the night I had two liners on the rods fishing the bar at 30yrds.
I set my alarm for first light to see if I could see any fish showing but nothing much this was probably due to the fact it was opening night and there was a lot of pressure on the water. Retreating back to bed I then woke up at 7 and the swim had gone dead as the temperatures soared to 27degrees so I decided to real in around 10am and see what the gossip was around the lake.
Around 12pm I returned to my swim after spotting a few fish cruising around the margins
in one of the snagie bays and with only two fish out that night things were not looking
amazing. After speaking to the anglers that caught they said they had them on particles, so
as I returned to the swim I picked up some zebra muscles in the margin and opened one
up and used it on the hair and solid bagged it out at range to showing fish.
Here is the rig I was using for my solid bagging, a size 6 kurve shank hook and then a
1.5oz lead onto a TFG clear leader.

The chosen hook bait was a zebra muscle fresh from the lake. 

Here is the finished item, a compact solid bag it was smaller than the lighter shown in the image and due to its aero dynamic shape it allows me to cast it large distances.

After preparing the rods and fishing slack lines again the swim was still looking rather quiet again but there were still fish showing at range and early the next morning I was lucky enough to have a run on the bag using a zebra muscle and landed the fish being excited for the first bite as the dark fish slipped over the cord of the net I got between look it was a really dark tench although it wasn’t what I was after it was more than welcome at 5lb 2oz. I then had work later that day so this was the end of my first 48hr on the new water and will keep everyone updated.

Monday 1 July 2013

AB has a good hit

Its been about 6 weeks since I last went fishing apart from a 4 hour after work session which I blanked so I did a 24 hours session and landed 8 carp and lost 1. after fishing this pool most of last year I learnt I wasn't getting any bites on my popups in low light so I tried using bottom baits in low light. I had the first 3 fish on a mix of pink a yellow celtic bait popups on a hinged rig then swapped to 14mm celtic bait ss bottom baits as the light faded which I had the next 4 carp on. Then about 10am after morning bite time I changed back to my hinged rig using celtic bait white popups and with in 10 minutes I had my last carp so not a bad 24 hours fishing.


Thursday 27 June 2013

Wednesday 19/6/13
I finished work early due to the weather being boiling and I wanted to use my new rods so I got down the lake at about midday.After doing a lap of the lake . I could see the fish were all over the top so I opted for a two adjustable zigs with white and black on the hook after watching them nudge my hookbait for hours. I finally nailed one which turned out to be a 16lb common was well happy as I haven't had a fish on a zig before. I got burned to a crisp so I went home not long after having the fish because it was too hot and I was very burnt. im off up the Cotswold for another go on the weekend so hopefully get amongst them

tight lines robby

Sunday 19 May 2013


Only had the time for a quick overnighter so I baited up the afternoon before with a mix of celticbait ss boilies pellet and sweet corn I baited up a few areas of the pool just to make sure I had a chance of getting on a baited area. I got to the pool after work to find I had the pool to myself so I set up where I could cast to two of my baited up spots. I had a 14lb4 mirror on a 14mm ss boilie on a simple knotless knot off one of my baited up spots with a handful of ss boilie over the top.


A new beginning..
After nearly a year off angling on any serious level due to a severve injury and complications, im on a new water with a new challenge and venture.
'the ancient gem'
The traps are set in swim 3 over pellet,maples and chops and boilies. Rigs are long shanks hooks with about 6inz braid tied 'my style'....!!
Sadly it was a quiet night. Nothing showed and no fish on the bank. What to do next? After speaking to a few regulars staying in swim 3 was a good plan.
So breakfast done some early pictures of early mist on the water done. Rods back onto baited spots.
Also learnt more about 'the ancient gem', the stock etc, these fish dont show themselves theres probably only 30 fish to go for. Its a lake made by an iceberg, allegedly.
Have i bitten off my than i can chew?
Im not sure, but im not giving up easily. I relish the challenge........
As im sat watching the water, seeing lots of movement of fish, probably roach.and bream! Suddenly in amongst the sprouting lillies, growing faster day by day, a dark two tone launches itself head and shoulders through the pads.
So they dont show themselves then!!!
All around the pads had been baited so was happy and confident with rigs.
Then low and behold another very dark large carp jumps at back of the lillies. Ok maybe the 'newbie on the syndicate is going to be treated to one of its residents.
Solid bag of chops pellet etc straight at it........
Got my stepson in swim one, he also had nothing. He happened to be stood with me when the second fish jumped. Come on he said......
Sadly as the hours ticked by still not a bite to be had. Not a single liner i questioned myself, my rigs, my line lay, but was sure they were all fine. I knew i had to re set the traps, but where? Decided to leave one on the side of the baited spot the other rod i decided to put about 15yds off the baited area with just little stick mix and single boilie.
Before we could settle in for the night my stepson becomes unwell. After a short chat we decided to get him home.
A great 24hrs fishing even without catching, but looking forward to getting back on the bank very soon.

Monday 13 May 2013


Friday 10th may.   I set off down to lamby lake Friday afternoon with a 48 hour session in front of me. my mate had phoned to say it was getting busy down there and to hurry up because there weren't many pegs left,but there was a free peg next to him it a bit of a boxed in swim but I didn't have no choice.I walked the brolly round first before anyone else turned up. I was speaking to the boys on the way round. and they hadn't had any so far. my mate had another 28lb simmo earlier in the day so I felt confident I would be close to the fish setting up next to him. so I set up the rods and my homemade on the one rod and one on the beast feast 14mm.The fish were crashing in the middle of the lake so I whacked them both out to the middle put about half a kilo of freebies over each rod hoping something big would come in and wipe me out along with my beast feast snowman rig or my bottom bait combi rig.. as the day went on to evening nothing happened the fish stopped showing and the rain picked up.We decided it was time to get the Indian in so I wound in and popped over the Indian for some grub.After getting refuelled the rods went back out on the spots with fresh pva stringers and hook baits. I managed to get my head down about 9 pm.   I woke up at 8 am  alarms still silent so I recast both rods and put the left hand off the spot were I had put the bait in and within an hour it was off. it turned out to be a 12lb fully scaled mirror. I was well happy I was off the mark and hadn't blanked.The rod went straight back out to the same spot but nothing happened.I recast my right hand rod close to my other rod  on the beast feast snowman  to see if I could get another one out and within a couple of hours it the alarm let out 3 beeps wen I was having a nap so I was straight up and into the fish it gave me a proper hard scrap all the way in it turned out to be a 15lb common. the rod went straight out to the same spot but nothing happened for the remainder of the session few other fish out around the lake loads of doubles and a few 20s none of the biggies though

tight lines