Tuesday 17 April 2012

On the 12th April i went to a new water in coastal suffolk armed with 3kg of G-Nuts dumbell. I did the usual bank walk for about an hour or so scanning for signs of fish. I decided to settle on the north bank on the 4th swim up giving me a lot of water with two gravel bars in front of me and an island to my left. Clipped up two rods to a spot just off furthest bar. I then catapulted about a kilo of G-Nut out over the marked spot. The third rod i used as a roaming rod with pva bags of boilie. Traps set i settled down for the evening with a brew and dinner. About 11pm right hand lets out a couple of bleeps and then a gentle steady take. Picked rod up and knew instantly it wasnt a carp. It came in easy and as it came to the bank i saw a tench of about 3lb. Safely in the net unhooked and safely released. Not what i was after but my confidence was growing as at least fish were feeding. Rod back onto spot, back to bed i think.
4am ish the other rod on baited spot went off. It was a better take and thought it must be a carp.
Sadly another tench. Didnt bother putting rod back out. About 5am or just after the rod left on baited spot was off and i hit into what i knew was a carp.
Safely in it was a lovely little common of 11lb.
The next day the wind swung round and i moved to be in teeth of the northerly. Settled into new swim and found a large spot between the canadian weed.
5am one of the rods on the baited clear spot was off and hit into what felt like a good fish. It stayed deep for most of the fight but eventually into my net went a lovely 20lb common.
The G-Nuts had done me proud. Celticbait had done me proud.
Thankyou guys.
Apologies for poor quality of pics. Phone packed in i have now a camera in my armoury.
Cant wait to be back on the bank.

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