Friday 11 May 2012

Tony Strevens

Just back from another great week down at Cleveley Bridge Fisheries as per usual, mixed weather again, but had a few on the bank, 8 in all, albeit to low doubles but again spotted some nice fish. Celtic seems to be doing well on there at moment and as weather warms up will be trying Celtic baits  G-Nut on there. Looking forward to next trip already just wish it would warm up a little soon, got back tonight to see yet more snow on the hills and snow showers here now :o(, big thanks to all at cleveley for a magic week and wetrooms will be ready very soon now, if Dave gets his finger out and stains the doors!!!!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

April showers
It was time to visit the estate pond again. Last time out id been beaten up by two carp. Time to get even...
Armed with the faithful G-Nuts dumbells. Found myself in burnt oak swim after seeing a couple of fish showing not 20 yards out. With the weather being so dreadful i actually got bivvy set up first. A little casting round i found a clear spot amongst deep silt. Baited up i clipped two rods to that spot. I then flicked the two rods with single dumbell to that spot. The third rod i pva bagged chops and whole baits into reeds on my right. A couple of hours in and one of the rods on the baited spot let out a couple of bleeps then a gentle run. A bream of a few pound was the culprit. Rod back on the spot and more bait on top.
About an hour later the other rod to the baited area was off with a more promising take, but again it turned out to be another snotty.
Well turned in about ten expecting to get wet in the night. The wind had picked up and blowing n.e into my back and it was raining like a monsoon. At one point i had a mini river running past my bivvy.
Couldnt sleep well with that storm out there then at 4.25a.m my left hand rod was off one toning and i was on it and into a decent fish. Played it in to the bank and after some gentle persuation into the net it went. Unhooked it in the net and it looked a nice fish. Net secured safely popped next door to wake my mate up to do the honours with the camera. Lifting the fish up and onto the mat it looked stunning. Didnt care what it weighed it didnt matter i loved the look of it. Photos done we did weigh it it went 16lb 3oz returned it to its wet and windy home.
Had a brew with cameraman and a chat and didnt really go back to sleep.
Saturday weather wise was truly aweful. I baited up a few spots knowing fish feed there. I got all three rods rebaited and back out. Two to the same spot and the third left of those two at 25yards.
Nothing happened for most of the day but then the third rod was off and knew it was a bream before i picked up rod. Rod back out small bag of chops with it.
Rest of the day was uneventful apart from weather worstening and more stormy.
Uneventful night fishwise i had a branch got through the back of my bivvy ripping a panel. I sort of patched up best i could, but obviously bivvy ruined. Oh well these things happen.....
Packing up around 7.30 one of the baited rods went off letting out a one toner. Hit into an angry little scapper. As soon as it saw the net it lunged and took off in protest of being caught. Eventually it saw it from my point of view and slid over the net cord.
A pretty little common of 10lb. A result. Thankyou for a lovely couple of fish.
Packing up was a messy affair least of all because my bivvy was to be binned after four faithful years. It had served me well.
Cant wait to get back onto the bank, hopefully with new bivvy but definately with celticbaits G-Nuts and giving crustatuon a go too.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Anyway i have had my first fish on your crustaceans boilies on a rig i like to call the halo rig and had two hook pulls on your ss boilies also abit gutted about that and i will attach a pic of the 19.4lb common.

Many thanks Anthony Bryant

Hi i am relatively new to fish been doing it just over 5 years started off slow but i have learnt quick but still have plenty more to learn both my pb common and mirror carp are at 35lb. I am going to be fishing a small club in staffordshire while on waiting list for redesmere.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Just put more tackle up on tell me what you think!

Friday 20 April 2012

Hi Brian , not sure why its taken me so long to look at your website , but
let me congratulate you on a very professional looking site ! nice one ! i
won that match not with a huge bag of fish ! 21lb and few ounces second place
was only 9lb and few onces . twelve anglers turned out and did well to fish
through wet and windy conditions ! so i was well pleased m8 and g-nut did
the trick ! thats my first match win ever ! am i hooked on match fishing
ermmmmmmmmmmm nope im a carper at heart and i hope to one day return to my
first love of fishing and test some of your baits ! keep up the good work and
chat soon !

Tuesday 17 April 2012

On the 12th April i went to a new water in coastal suffolk armed with 3kg of G-Nuts dumbell. I did the usual bank walk for about an hour or so scanning for signs of fish. I decided to settle on the north bank on the 4th swim up giving me a lot of water with two gravel bars in front of me and an island to my left. Clipped up two rods to a spot just off furthest bar. I then catapulted about a kilo of G-Nut out over the marked spot. The third rod i used as a roaming rod with pva bags of boilie. Traps set i settled down for the evening with a brew and dinner. About 11pm right hand lets out a couple of bleeps and then a gentle steady take. Picked rod up and knew instantly it wasnt a carp. It came in easy and as it came to the bank i saw a tench of about 3lb. Safely in the net unhooked and safely released. Not what i was after but my confidence was growing as at least fish were feeding. Rod back onto spot, back to bed i think.
4am ish the other rod on baited spot went off. It was a better take and thought it must be a carp.
Sadly another tench. Didnt bother putting rod back out. About 5am or just after the rod left on baited spot was off and i hit into what i knew was a carp.
Safely in it was a lovely little common of 11lb.
The next day the wind swung round and i moved to be in teeth of the northerly. Settled into new swim and found a large spot between the canadian weed.
5am one of the rods on the baited clear spot was off and hit into what felt like a good fish. It stayed deep for most of the fight but eventually into my net went a lovely 20lb common.
The G-Nuts had done me proud. Celticbait had done me proud.
Thankyou guys.
Apologies for poor quality of pics. Phone packed in i have now a camera in my armoury.
Cant wait to be back on the bank.

Monday 19 March 2012

This 15lb Common was caught on a Members Water fishing along side a set of Lilly pads & weed bed.
My end tackle included Korda Heavy Metal Tungsten Tubing to a lead clip with a 1.5oz lead, Korda N-Trap Hook link with a Nash TT Fang x size 7 Hook with a rig ring to make a blow back rig. I was using a 14mm Crustaceans Boillie topped off with a piece of yellow plastic corn with a small bag of chopped Crustaceans boillie's to cover the hook point.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Like the sound of screaming bite alarms? Then get some Celtic Bait on your hair, and hold on to your rod. You may not have heard of Celtic but we use only the best ingredients, try out "The Heat" which in my opinion is better than mainstream boilie's!

Wednesday 7 December 2011