Saturday 23 June 2012

It was a wednesday and i had been wanting to be on the bank for sometime. My stepson wanted to go as well so that was that off we went.
Set up in a large double swim in which i had been baiting for sometime. Rods baited two with G-Nut one with crustacean. With a korda krusha i made small stick mixes, a new twist for me but what turned out to be quite a result.
First night, as seems to be the way with me for some reason was quiet.
The second day i didnt put rods out til after lunch. The first carp came on G-Nut was a beautiful light coloured common of 16lb 8oz. The rest of daylight was quiet but as ive said before it usually is on this pool. My stepson had a nice little mirror out as well.
The rain came down that evening so bivvy bound rods were out and we were set for the night. About midnight my left hand rod was screaming off, no warning just a complete one toner. Played the spirited carp to the net. It was just shy of 20lb but what a fish. Sadly no picture as this fish simply didnt want to behave for the camera so just thought it best to get it back home.
The third day was a weird morning with liners all over the place strange little takes but then this little guy takes the bait. Was off like a mini rocket. Caught this little un a few months ago and it went just over 10lb. It went just under 10lb now....
Got rod sorted and back onto its spot.
Nothing more that day again. At evening sorted rods and rigs out and placed on their baited areas. Shortly before light my left hand rod was off again to what felt like a decent fish. It was i high double common. Still in dark colours. During my stepson photographing it something wasnt right with the flash that i hadnt noticed at the time. Im usually confident with my kit, camera etc.
Anyway that was the last fish of the session. It was a good session with me landing 4 and a bream. My stepson landing 3. Celticbaits did it again for me as always.
Thankyou celticbait.

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