Saturday 23 June 2012

It was a wednesday and i had been wanting to be on the bank for sometime. My stepson wanted to go as well so that was that off we went.
Set up in a large double swim in which i had been baiting for sometime. Rods baited two with G-Nut one with crustacean. With a korda krusha i made small stick mixes, a new twist for me but what turned out to be quite a result.
First night, as seems to be the way with me for some reason was quiet.
The second day i didnt put rods out til after lunch. The first carp came on G-Nut was a beautiful light coloured common of 16lb 8oz. The rest of daylight was quiet but as ive said before it usually is on this pool. My stepson had a nice little mirror out as well.
The rain came down that evening so bivvy bound rods were out and we were set for the night. About midnight my left hand rod was screaming off, no warning just a complete one toner. Played the spirited carp to the net. It was just shy of 20lb but what a fish. Sadly no picture as this fish simply didnt want to behave for the camera so just thought it best to get it back home.
The third day was a weird morning with liners all over the place strange little takes but then this little guy takes the bait. Was off like a mini rocket. Caught this little un a few months ago and it went just over 10lb. It went just under 10lb now....
Got rod sorted and back onto its spot.
Nothing more that day again. At evening sorted rods and rigs out and placed on their baited areas. Shortly before light my left hand rod was off again to what felt like a decent fish. It was i high double common. Still in dark colours. During my stepson photographing it something wasnt right with the flash that i hadnt noticed at the time. Im usually confident with my kit, camera etc.
Anyway that was the last fish of the session. It was a good session with me landing 4 and a bream. My stepson landing 3. Celticbaits did it again for me as always.
Thankyou celticbait.

Monday 11 June 2012

had this carp on 18mm ss celticbait boilie cast under arm to feeding fish with and handful of ss over the top

Saturday 9 June 2012

On a recent trip to a small match lake for a few hours I managed to bank 9 fish, these were all caught on G-Nut dumbbells fished on a lead clip system with an 8 inch hook length.
Here are the best couple of fish caught.

Caught on a 14 mm G-Nut Dumbbell fished with a PVA bag of Celtic Bait Pellets with a few freebees placed around it.

Caught on a 14 mm G-Nut Dumbbell fished with a PVA bag of Celtic Bait Pellets with a few freebees placed around it.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

It turned out to be the hottest weekend so far. Probably the year!! The fish had just finished spawning and were just sunbathing.
I fished a different swim to usual and frankly wasnt confident.
Anyway found my baited spots and all three rods out two on G-Nut one on crustaceans. Nothing took place all night. Hardly surprised really. Wound rods in leaving one out. Went wandering the margins where plenty of carp were just lazing about. I put two rods on zigs whilst i free lined crust to a couple just in reeds, i just had to fish for them.....
They showed no sign of taking anything wot so ever. They were happy however to have a few photos in naturel environment.
Second night was as the first night, not even a liner.
On the monday morning about 6am as i was just starting to pack up my left hand was off to a bait that had been out for nearly 20hrs. It was small but indeed a carp. Happiest days!!
I was even more pleased knowing that the faithful G-Nut was still releasing some sort of attracters after being in water for so long.
Well done celticbaits for yet again producing 1st class baits.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

One of 2 carp on my preparation  for the opening night of the new season on black swan Dinton

Sunday 27 May 2012

  I had them all on celticbait 18mm ss boilies out of the margins on blow back rigs with an handfull of 10mm 14mm 18mm ss boilies over the top.  


Wednesday 23 May 2012


Just a short commentary on my recent trip to wintons France as promised.
I can paraphrase the first 5 days of this "camping holiday" as to say rain rain rain blank flood rain. lol.
After over a month’s rain had fallen in the Normandy valleys in a week the local waterways and lakes could not hold back the pressure anymore and fields flooded and in turn caused the neighbouring lakes to flood, and indeed our lake to flood to the sound of 9780000 gallons of water raising a 10.5 acre lake by 3 foot.
Anyways after i decided that something had to be done, after only 2 fish had come out of the complex, I decided to go for a little stalk with my partner in crime.

Only expecting to hook a cheeky double cruising about in the new marginal areas created by the flood waters we set off. Within minutes of placing a bait behind a tree that only 5 days before had been on the bank the rod hurled off with a nice fat 26-00 on it. The fight was hard and dogged but with a good rod and a tight clutch the fish was bagged and what a beauty with golden colours and a very traditional English carp look about it . This would save the holiday for me and I felt that anything else was a bonus. However after finding a faaaaar to tempting lil hole in a tree line I decided to push my luck and have another go on the same setup and in 3 feet of water. My luck was in and within moments and I mean moments the clutch screamed and the rod was heading toward the lake. I hit hard and gave the fish a gentle bit of persuasion and as soon as it had started it was over. As I lifted up the net I knew this was the biggest carp I had ever caught and after a tussle in the sling she tipped the scale at 37-4. As u can guess I was over the moon a few snaps and the greedy beast was slipped back. We gave it a rest and went back for tea with the promise to return early morning. The following morning we tip toed back to the same spot using the same techniques and just crossed fingers. We waited an age, about 5 minutes, and off the rod went again. I used the same hit and hold techniques and after a really angry and tense fight yet another 30 went over the cord. So in less than 24 hours and within maybe an hour of angling I had an upper 20 and 2X30’s now that wouldn’t seem a lot for France but with conditions as they were I think it was a battle well won. The bait of choice you may ask, being France you would expect a 20mm boilie and a crazy anchor sized hook however all fish fell to a 10mm air dried g-nut with a tiny 8 mm pop up. Just going to prove bigger is not always better lol. I have a few weeks of family business now and then its back on the syndicate to fight another battle with my target of hitting into one of the 3 30's. So tune in next time. TIGHT LINES
First fish from my new pool on a quick four hour session after work on a celticbait ss 18mm boilie on a blow back rig.

Monday 21 May 2012

Bexleyheath Bus Garage Angling clubs first match of the year took place at

Newlands Hall Park Lake 18/04/2012 . Only eight anglers braved the pouring
rain and high winds . The fishing was poor but everyone caught some fish and
eventual winner was Gary Boswell who was the only angler to bag double
figures for the day with 21lb 2oz mainly carp caught on celticbaits g-nut .
Big thanks goes out to Brian of Celticbait who supplied Gary with a couple
of kilos of chopped baits in various flavours ! Gary with his first ever
match win followed up with a third place at Hartleylands Nicks Lake . this
time the weather had much improved and the winning weight was over 80lbs  .
Gary still adapting to match fishing managed 70lb 6oz again mainly carp .
Next match is at Claygate Lakes in Kent Lake Eva .